Saturday, July 31, 2010

Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant by Direct Recruitment.

Subject: - Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant by Direct Recruitment.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter No 60-16/2009-SPB-1 dt. 12.11.2009 on the above subject and to say that the matter regarding filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant pertaining to the years 2009 has been reviewed and it has been decided that the direct recruitment vacancies of the year 2009 and existing as well as firm anticipated vacancies of the year 2010 may be filled up by direct recruitment as per the existing instructions issued vide this Department’s letter No 51-2/2003-SPB-1 dated 10.11.2004. It may please be ensured that the recruitment process is finalized and results declared by 16th December 2010.
2. In order to finalize the recruitment process by the said target date all are requested to ensure that following steps leading to the selection of the candidates are taken/completed not later than the dates indicated against each:
Advertisement/Circulation of vacancies for the years 2009 and 2010 20th August, 2010.
Last date for receipt of the applications 05th October, 2010.
Holding of written examination and completion of computer test November, 2010

Declaration of final result/Select list 16th December, 2010
If any circle so desires it may continue to follow the system of holding the computer test after or before holding the written/aptitude test but it must be ensured that the process of holding of written examination and computer test is completed by 14th November, 2010 and the time limit prescribed for declaration of final result is strictly adhered to.
3. The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully
Tel No. 23096092

Monday, July 19, 2010

Agenda for discussion of monthly meeting for the month of July -2010

The Sr. Supdt. Of Post Offices,
Pune City East Dn.
Pune 411037

Sub: - Agenda for discussion of monthly meeting for the month of July -2010.

Respected Madam,

Agenda for discussion in monthly meeting for the month of June 2010 is submitted as below.

The following representatives of NFPE Group’C’ union will present in the meeting. There relief arrangement may kindly be made in due course

Old Items:-
No.6, No.7, No.8,No.9,

1. Shortage of Aundh Camp PO:-
There is highly demand of one P.A. at Aundh Camp PO in this regard the SPM completed about non filling one vacant post of P.A. since last month considering heavy and busy office. Aundh Camp PO one SB hand P.A. should be posted immediately to Aundh Camp PO.

2. Fill up long leave vacant post of PCNT PO:-
One post of P.A. should be deputed from Pimpri-Chinchwad areas to PCNT PO immediately to fill up vacant post of Smt. Vaste who is cancer patient on long leave since two month being heavy and busy of this office arrangement of posting of one P.A. is quite necessary.

3. Attached P.A. to Sangvi and Vadgaon Sheri PO:-
As per result of revision case of Sangvi PO and Vadgaon Sheri PO one post of P.A. is justified at these both PO’s however no arrangement of posting of one P.A. to these PO’s. Hence it is suggested and requested that one P.A for fifteen (15) days of busy period of RD/SCSS/SB/MIS work should be deputed from other official at list 15 days till the permanent posting order.

4. Inconvenient deputation of P.A.s:-
Complaints in respect of deputation to inconvenient and long distance from HQ are given to our members causing very inconvenient. To avoid this compliant deputation of officials should be given from nearest officials working to nearest post office only. And so as inconvenience causing to the officials can be avoided.

5. Space (area) problem of Sangvi po:-
It is brought to your kind notice that existing area of Sangvi PO is very short and congested for functioning of regular work. For installing Computer/Hardware there is no sufficient and minimum required space at this PO. It is requested to examine the acute area and space of Sangvi PO and decide on the issue of computerization, arrangement of sufficient place of this PO for smooth functioning of computer and regular work.

6. Problem of Dighi Camp SPM posting order:-
Posting and transfer order of LSG SPM Dighi Camp PO is completely irregular. The posting of SPM post should be from senior most officials working at present in Dighi Camp PO unwilling and junior officials Smt.V.P.Bidkar should not be ordered to work as LSG SPM Dighi Camp PO. Instead of posting of any one from BCR officials from the other offices.

7. Drinking water problem of Pune HO: -
Repairing of water cooler of Pune H O since last two year water cooler is not in working condition. And also provide drinking water tank in every branch of Pune H O.

8. Reconsideration sweeping and wet sweeping charges to NIBM PO: -
In NIBM PO a sweeper not doing his duty properly, which effect bad smelling in PO due to incomplete work by the sweeper.

9. Drinking water problem of Hadapsar I E: -
Since last four or five year drinking water is not available in Hadapsar I E PO.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Minute of monthly meeting dated 25.06.2010
Union side
1. Com. Y N Bamble, Divisional Secretary, & SA, PUNE HO.
2. Com. D K Dhumal, President, & OA , Division Office.
3. Com. A S Khedekar, Asstt. Secretary, & SA, PUNE HO.
Administration side
Smt. P.P.Bhosale
SSPOs Pune City East Dn.

1. Shortage of staff: - This is regarding acute shortage of staff in our division. In this view it is hereby suggested and requested that the officials of our division deputed at RO, BDG, PLI ,P&T Disp.may kindly be ordered rejoined to our division immediately and allow to avoid heavy shortage of man power resulting more difficulties through out the our division.
Ans:-R.O. Pune is addressed on 20/7/2009,19/1/2010,8/3/2010 and 5/7/2010 to return the officials deputed to R.O.,P&T Dis, & BDG.

2. Fill up the vacant posts of PA’s:- It is brought to your kind notice that the some posts of PA’s, SPM’s and APMs in our division are remaining vacant due to retirement and transfer. Kindly provide the details of vacancies of PA’s of our division along with PUNE HO.
Ans:- a) 7 Direct Recruited PAs have already been deputed for induction.
b) Transfer and posting order of incoming under rule 38 duly approved by RO in respect of 10 officials is issued.
c) Result of LGO exam is declared and 6 candidate have been declared successful.
Appointment order will issued in respect if item (a)and (c) above immediately after completion of induction training.
3. Supply of computer chairs to PUNE HO, D. Line PO Khadki PO:-It is highly demanded from working staff and my union members of PUNE HO Khadki and D.Lines PO to provide new chairs of good qualities in replacement of old and broken condition chair lying at present at those offices.
Ans:-The Sr. Postmaster has been directed to purchase Bristal chairs for Pune HO. In case of D. Line 8 chair has been purchased. As regard chairs for Khadki, it will be supplied next month.
4. To stop irregular practice of deputation: - It is bring to your kind notice that the present practice of deputing the PA from one SO to another is harassing one and difficult to the deputed officials. In fact in our division, senior PAs are moving from are SO to another and juniors are fixed in one PO/ Br.This is injustice upon senior officials. My union therefore request to issues instructions to the concerned officer/officials and see that the junior officials are deputed within the block and considering the residence of the deputed officials.
Ans:-There are 40 vacancies in division in PA cadre.
5. Verification of SB/MIS/RD balance of NIBM SO:-It is presumed that the SPM is not the balance verification authority the work of verification of balance of SB/RD/MIS passbook with the depositor is required to be got done from the verifying authority i.e. IP/ ASP etc.This may kindly be confirmed.
Ans:-ASP is the verification authority of SB/RD/MIS passbook in case of fraud.
6. Aundh Camp PO LAN Cabling Work:-LAN cabling work of Aundh Camp SO is not yet got done even though reported time to time by the SPM and SA. This work should be got completed immediately.
Ans:-It will be examined.
7. UPS PROBLEM OF DAPODI PO:-At present UPS of Dapodi SO is in out of order condition and Generator is not available with this office. The SPM Dapodi
has already reported this matter to your office.
Ans:-UPS Engineer attended this office and checked UPS. There is problem in fan. Concerned Engineer has been instructed to repair the same on call basis.
8. UPS AND Generator problem of Dighi Camp PO:-At Dighi Camp SO UPS is in small size and due to many time of power failure backup are not getting sufficient and more time. Also Generator of this SO is not in working condition and SPM Dighi Camp already reported this matter to our office.
Ans:- Quotation received from Tritonic for UPS which was forwarded to RO for approval The repairing of Generator is under process.
9. SPM CASH ALLOWANCE: - It is noticed that the cash handling allowance of SPM of many of SOs is not yet sanctioned and paid to concerned SPM yet since the year 2009-2010.The matter should be taken on the propriety basis to immediately sanction to them.
Ans:-The twelve months statistic of 29 SOs are pending with SPMs and in respect of 12 SOs the statistic are with SDI(P) for verification.
10. MIS INCENTIVE BILLS: - The complaint in respect of non receipt of MIS incentive bills of many of SOs.Which are pending of sanction since the from the month of March-2010.
Ans:-MIS incentive bills of 22 SOs are received from Pune HO on 21.6.2010. The bills in respect of 13 offices are sanctioned.
11. Installation of Aundh Camp iron safe or treasury: - It is brought your kind notice that there were to incidence of theft case took place at Aundh Camp PO.
However there is no replacement or arrangement in installing iron safe or treasury not provided yet by the department. This issue is very serious so, action in arranging new iron safe duly imbedded in wall.
Ans:-Iron safe has been shifted from RMS to Aundh Camp.

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Minutes of the Meeting


The Purpose of this blog is to sort out the problems and unite peoples under one roof of "NFPE (National Federation of Postal Employees)